A.NI.M.US. – Adriatic IoNIan GaMes For Social InclUSion

EU code: 603126-EPP-1-2018-1-IT-SPO-SNCESE603126-EPP-1-2018-1-IT-SPO-SNCESE

Un progetto implementato da / A project  implemented by
Comune di Ancona

Project and goals

The main objective of ANIMUS is to strengthen the role played by Sport in social inclusion and cohesion within the Adriatic Ionian Region thanks to the empowerment of cities and volunteer organisations. The highly diverse and qualified network of cities and organisations involved will contribute to improve the collaboration, capacity building and spreading of best practices on inclusive sport and to fortify social and cultural cohesion. The involvement of countries from Baltic and Danube EU Regions will enlarge the sharing of best practices, contributing to a unique multicultural european sport event. ANIMUS is structured on two main pillars:


1. Not-for-profit sport event (Adriatic Ionian Youth Games) and socio-cultural collateral activities that aim to encourage participation in sport for the intrinsic benefits of socialisation, for the promotion of voluntary activities, for the sharing of equal opportunities values and for the improvement of health conditions. The event represents a great mobilisation of sport delegations (youngsters, coaches, voluntary associations, local politicians involved in sport policies, sport journalists, schools personnel and students) from Cities and Organisations of 12 EU countries (Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Denmark, Estonia, Czech Republic, Greece, Italy, Latvia, Poland, Romania, Slovenia) plus 4 EU candidate/potential candidate countries (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Serbia).


2. Info-edu activities aiming to improve skills and knowledge of target groups that include:
Seminar on equality between women and men in and through sport;
Seminar on social inclusion of persons with disabilities in and through sport;
Seminar on health-enhancing sport activities and eating behaviours;
Cities for Sport and Inclusion Conference;
Seminar on inclusive sport in AI Region and beyond and volunteering opportunities.


ANIMUS is supported by an innovative communication aimed at disseminate the project activities, outputs and results.






Sito web: https://www.ankonet.eu/aimyg/en/

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