With the contribution of the LIFE financial instrument of the European Community

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Highlight news

  • 01 September 2013
    NEW!!! ACT guidelines and Climate Change Impact Assessment
    The ACT guidelines, Climate Change Impact Assessment ane Economic Evaluation are now available in final version. You can download the documents from "Deliverable" ...

  • 05 June 2013
    Bullas final local event
    The final local event of local dissemination of ACT project results is held today in Bullas. For all information please visit the Blog and Website of the Municipality of Bullas (Spain) ...

  • 17 May 2013
    ACT Project Final conference: “Resilient Cities - from the Plans to the actions of adaptation to climate change”
    held on March 17 in Florence during the Event Terra Futura at the Fortezza da Basso. The final conference is an opportunity to present the results of the project and local adaptation plans adopted by the 3 municipalities of Ancona, Patras and Bullas. During the conference, were awarded the winning schools...

  • 15 May 2013
    Layman's Report
    Layman's Report is now available: it contains all the results of the project. Download the document in English and Italian version. ...

  • 15 May 2013
    Final Leaflet
    Final Leaflet is now available It contains summary information of the ACT project. Download the document in English, Italian, Spanish version ...

  • 01 May 2013
    Local Adaptation Plans approved by the ACT Cities!
    Ancona, Patras and Bullas have approved their Local Adaptation Plans (LAPs). The LAP, starting from the assessment of the impact of climate change at the local level, provides the framework of the strategies and actions that the City is committed to deliver to adapt to climate change, to reduce the vulnerability...

  • 26-27 March 2013
    Third field visit in Patras
    All ACT project partners will meet in Patras from 26 to 27 March for the third visit of local peer review scheduled in action 7 of Evaluation of project results. The ACT project provides field visits to be organized with which to evaluate the outcomes of the project and in particular the results of the...

  • 12-13 March 2013
    Second field visit in Bullas
    All ACT project partners will meet in Bullas from 12 to 13 FMarch for the second visit of local peer review scheduled in action 7 of Evaluation of project results. The ACT project provides field visits to be organized with which to evaluate the outcomes of the project and in particular the results of...

  • 19 -21 February 2013
    Launch of the first field visit in Ancona
    All ACT project partners will meet in Ancona from 19 to 21 February for the first visit of local peer review scheduled in action 7 of Evaluation of project results. The ACT project provides field visits to be organized with which to evaluate the outcomes of the project and in particular the results of...

  • 24-26 October 2012
    The ACT project and the ADAPT project are making international synergies... Climate Change is a common issue to cope with!
    The ACT project is presented at the workshop of the initiative “Eu Cities Adapt” in Rotterdam. Ancona, with the experience of ACT Project, is one of the coaches cities. See the full program of the workshop and read more information on City Adapt website. ...

  • 10 October 2012
    Open Days 2012: Community action for disaster resilience and climate change adaptation (CCLD)
    The ACT project is presented in Brussels on 10th October at the “Open Days - European Week of Cities and Regions” in the Session related to “Community action for disaster resilience and climate change adaptation (CCLD)”. See more information on the website.   ...

  • 11 July 2012
    Ancona: EU Cities Adapt - Stakeholder Dialogue
        The Adaptation Strategies for European Cities project together with the City of Ancona organises one day Stakeholder Dialogue in Ancona on July, 11. This is the final of the Stakeholders Dialogues being organised across Europe, inviting city delegations, other regional or national stakeholder...

  • 21 March 2012
    NEW!!! - Forum ACT Competition extended up to 31 may 2012
    During the 13th Plenary Session of the Forum of Adriatic and Ionian Cities and the 1st Adriatic - Ionian Forum of Youth, held in Ancona on 14-16 December, it has been launched the international competition "CHANGE" within the project ACT-Adapting to Climate Change in Time. Please note that the competition,...

  • 19 - 20 March 2012
    ACT Partners invited to the UNISDR Conference in Venice
    ACT Partners – Municipality of Ancona, ADEP Patras and ISPRA - attended the conference “Building cities' resilience to disasters: protecting cultural heritage and adapting to climate change” organized by UNISDR (United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction Secretariat) in Venice...

  • 13 January 2012
    Bullas: presentation of a Blog on ACT Project
    A blog related to the Project ACT Life + and its actions in the Municipality of Bullas was presented last Friday 13th of January in the Bullas Council Town. The presentation was done by the Councillor of European Projects Ms. María Antonia Abril, accompanied by the Mayor of Bullas, Mr. Pedro Chico....

  • 14-16 December 2011
    FAIC Plenary Session: launched the "ACT Change"school competition
    During the Plenary Session in Ancona (14-16 December 2011), the FAIC (Forum of Adriatic and Ionian Cities) presented the competition “CHANGE” to create a multimedia CD-Rom or DVD slideshow, addressed to hign schools students from cities involeved in the project ACT an cities-members of the Forum....

  • 14-16 December 2011
    FAIC - 13th Plenary Assembly in Ancona
    The ACT project was presented in a special section of the 13th Plenary Assembly of FAIC (Forum of Adriatic and Ionian Cities) held in Ancona on 14-16 December. The project was explained by Marco Cardinaletti, as ACT Project Manger, and also contextualized by the Mayor of Ancona, Diego Franzoni. See the...

  • 09-12 November 2011
    ACT Project at Ecomondo 2011
    From 9 to 12 November was held in Rimini, Ecomondo, the most important exhibition on the environment and sustainability in Italy. On this occasion the ACT project materials (brochures, notice boards, newsletters) were distributed at the stand of Indica Ltd. For more information on Ecomondo, see the website....

  • 14 October 2011
    ACT Presentation during the Final Conference of LIFE Project "LAKS"
    The ACT Project Manager, Marco Cardinaletti, was at the final conference of the LAKS in Reggio Emilia on 14 October to present ACT Project and discuss about new energies with zero CO2, Intelligent networks and services, A city moving better, A greener and more efficient city - Low-carbon economy, Adaptation...

  • Brussels, 12-14 September 2011
    ACT project at the ICLEI European Convention 2011 Cities in Europe 2020 - Enhance sustainability now
    The ICLEI European Convention 2011 "Cities in Europe 2020 - Enhance sustainability now!" acted as a forum to discuss the implementation of Europe-wide sustainability measures in cities focusing on the Europe 2020 Strategy and its seven flagship initiatives. From 12-14 September 2011, over 300 participants...

  • Ancona, 27-31 August 2011
    The Exhibition on the Macroregion organized by the Forum of Adriatic and Ionian Cities in Ancona
    From 27 to 31 of August 2011 was held in Ancona the exhibition entitled "The Adriatic-Ionian Macroregion for the development of Europe." The event was attended by all the parties interested in the development of the Macroregion, both on the Italian and the other side of the Adriatic Sea with special...

  • June 2011
    Bullas: winner of the “Awards of Sustainable Development 2011”
    The ACT partner, Municipality of Bullas, is one of the winners of the "Awards of Sustainable Development 2011". The Regional Government of Murcia, through its Monitoring Commission of the Social Pact for the Environment, has chosen the winners of the "Awards of Sustainable Development 2011". These awards...

  • 03-05 June 2011
    2nd World Congress on Cities and Adaptation to Climate Change in Bonn - Germany
    The second run of Resilient Cities: world congress on cities and adaptation to climate change opened the 3rd June in Bonn Germany, welcoming 550 delegates, including mayors, governors, top UN officials and major stakeholders from around the world. Mr. Cardinaletti, as project manager, presented ACT project...

  • 12-13 May 2011
    ISPRA workshop Local impact assessment of climate change
    In the framework of the Life Project ACT - Adapting to Climate change in Time, the last 12th and 13th May 2011 ISPRA organised a workshop on Local Impact Assessment of climate change in order to provide to the municipalities of Ancona, Bullas and Patras support and coordination to the implementation...

  • 14 December 2010
    ACT Partner & the UNISDR Campaign Making Cities Resilient: My city is getting ready
    ACT Partners sign the UNISDR campaign “MAKING CITIES RESILIENT” during the Initial ACT Conference in Ancona, 14th December 2011. ...

ACT - Adapting to Climate Change in Time

What is Adaptation?

Adaptation is, together with mitigation, one of the two concurrent actions that must be undertaken to face the problem of climate change. As the IPCC has stated: mitigation aims at avoiding the unmanageable impacts, while adaptation aims at managing the unavoidable impacts. It aims at increasing the resilience of natural and human systems to current and future impacts of climate change.

Project objectives

Starting form this idea, the project Adapting to climate change in time - ACT aspires to demonstrate that through an inclusive and participated process, shared by all the local actors involved, is possible to develop a "local adaptation plan" which will support the forecast and mitigation of environmental, social and economic impacts of climate change on the most vulnerable sectors of the European cities in the Mediterranean basin.

The project has specifically these objectives: (by decreasing order of importance)

  • To develop a standardized process to draw and implement local adaptation strategies, easily applicable to a wide range of local authorities to forecast the impacts of climate change on a local scale and to define corresponding actions.
  • To involve (by increasing their awareness) local actors (local industries, citizens, health system, civil protection, etc.) in the development of local adaptation strategy.
  • To develop and disseminates guidelines that can encourage other European communities (in particular in the Mediterranean basin) to adopt the same process and to develop their own local adaptation strategies.

Latest news

  • 29 April 2013
    The European Strategy on Adaptation to Climate Change
  • 09 October 2012
    Launch of the European campaign “The world that you like. With the climate that you like”
  • 03 October 2012
    Sudplan: designing the transformation of European cities towards the climate change
  • 25 September 2012
    Climate Change: Consultation on the Adaptation Strategy
  • 08 August 2012
    “Step Up” on 13 October for the International Day for Disaster Reduction
  • 08 June 2012
    Climate change: the CDP snapshot of the situation
  • 07 June 2012
    The "picture" of the MIT urban planning against global warming
  • 05 June 2012
    Towards an increasingly hot Europe: the EEA’s projections
  • 21 May 2012
    Climate change: the real battle will be in the city. And here's how to tell
  • 14 May 2012
    Cities 'going in it alone' on climate change adaptation

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